Friday, September 14, 2018

A Parent's Worst Nightmare

We left the house early that Saturday morning in order to stay on our triathlon-training schedule. It was for beginners like us, and although I have run many races and Sophia swam and ran in countless competitions, we were yet to tackle the swim, bike and run together. But, we had our sights set for August 11 and had been making strides to improve our overall health and athletic ability.

The day was going to be busy – bike, attend a funeral for a dear friend, and host a dinner party for 30 at our house for a couple getting married this summer. We loaded up the car, headed to the outskirts of town to park, and began our 12 mile out and back course.

After getting situated on our bikes, Sophia commented how her new biking shorts purchased just days earlier felt uncomfortable. We laughed and I assured her she would appreciate them as the miles progressed. We headed north, approached another two-lane road and seeing no vehicles coming either way, we headed west on our journey.

My mind fails me – or saves me – for I cannot remember much of the actual accident.  But I do remember the nightmare. In the ambulance standing at the end of my stretcher was a well-spoken man whose words I did not want to hear. “Mrs. Fisher, we did everything we could…”

Sophia had passed away. My one and only daughter was gone.

The nightmare continued as I was taken to the emergency room with injures still to be determined. Pain had overtaken my body and surely my heart was damaged – it hurt the worst. Richard left the house earlier than we did that morning for a run with his running group. Efforts were being made to contact him.

He made it to the ER knowing I had been in an accident but there had been no mention of Sophia. My bike rides many times were alone, and he had not put together that Sophia was with me that dreadful morning. It wasn’t until he was in my ER cubicle that he learned the apple of his eye was gone.

With no strength to stand, he began his nightmare.

He had the daunting task of calling our three boys to tell them of the morning’s events. He had to make more phone calls to family to inform them and ask them to come quickly to our side. I do not know how he had the strength to do what had to be done in the next few hours, but as he stood by my side, he was strong and broken, all tangled up together.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…”  Psalm 23:4 (emphasis mine)

As we are literally maneuvering through this valley of death, we must keep moving. There are days where we feel as though we are literally crawling through the desert land. We look out in front of us and see only the dry, parched land with no end in sight. This is not a metaphor for me. With the multitude of injuries to my body, it is many times physically hard to get out of bed. I have to be intentional to rise up and move forward. It hurts - both physically and emotionally.

There are moments in this desert when my family and I see an oasis around us. We have a few good days and then it all dries up only to leave us with more desert land in every direction. We are thankful for those scattered good hours or days, but the desert land far outweighs the any fertile, lush land.

The nightmare lingers. There is no way to go back and change the course of that dreaded summer morning. However, we are determined to move forward. We will not set up camp around the devastation and loss. We will walk through this valley and carry the memories of Sophia with us as we search for the mountains where the view is much more inviting.  

The rest of that verse states, “I fear no evil, for You are with me.” God is here in our midst. Even in our worst nightmare when we feel as though all hope is lost, He walks with us through this valley. It does not always feel like He is there, but we trust His character and His Word, and we know God is with us through it all.


  1. We love you and if you need us please give us a call

  2. Lynda, I cannot imagine what y'all have been through and continue to go through.

  3. Continuing to pray for you and your family.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


  5. Thank you for sharing your experience. Considering the magnitude of your pain, when I hear you say, “God is with us”, I believe it more than ever. Love you!

  6. Knowing you in my formative teenage years, I know that your trust and faith in the Lord is what is keeping you, Richard and the boys going. I probably would not be where I am today without you and Richard in my life. My heart goes out to you daily. Know that you are in my continued prayers!! Love you, Fishers!! ❤️ Kristen Popham Garland

    1. Thank you, Kristen. I loved my time with you and others at Pinson. Great memories were made with you all!

  7. How hard this must have been to articulate; to put in print for it to stare back at you from the page! While none of us knows exactly how another person feels, I can empathize because as you know, I too have had to say goodbye to a precious daughter as she slipped from our arms but not our hearts. I have continued to pray for you, and will keep on doing so as God keeps you and your family in and on my heart! How do people do this without faith in a God who cares, knowing He loves us and feels every pain; understands every question; and collects our tears in His special bottles! Love and prayers for you and your family as you walk (sometimes "crawl") through the loss of your dear daughter......knowing from experience and believing that God will help you with every step, every moment, every day. May The Comforter comfort you all as only He can. Hazel Purvis

    1. Thank you, Hazel. I'm glad our paths have crossed through the years, and I'm grateful for the prayers of those who know this struggle all too well.

  8. I have prayed for you and your family since the day Jason called to tell me about the accident. Continuing to pray for each of you! -Karen Millsaps

  9. Just know you are loved and prayed for by name. I can not make it better. I can not explain it. I can not make it make sense. I can continue to love you and pray for you, my friend. That much I can ... and will

    1. Beautiful words Lynda. And yes, God is with you. I have never been more sure of anything. Although we would all love for Sophia to be here, I KNOW that she is with the Lord. For he says, to be absent from the body is to present with the Lord.

  10. Although I did not know her, my daughter did with drama. She said she was very sweet to her and made her feel welcomed when she joined drama last year. Bless you and your family. And sharing your emotional story. Our hearts cry with you and thinking of you and your family..

  11. All of you are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you are on the path to healing, but it will not be easy. I am confident that God will give you strength to persevere. God bless you!

  12. Praying for you daily. Love you all!

  13. When my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I... I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings.
    Psalm 61:2-4

  14. The death of Sophia (or any child) is so tragic, so unnatural, and so unfair. I can not begin to even wrap my mind around this nightmare, but I know our God is omnicient and we have to trust Him. He is also the great healer and comforter and he will see you through this storm. We continue to think about and pray for you all daily. We love you, Fishers!!

  15. I am so sorry for your loss, my heart broke/beeaks for you as a mother..I am thankful to be able to assure you that God is near a broken and contrite heart. I pray you all feel His neatness in a fresh way as you walk the dry lands and that the oasis' become closer together.

  16. My heart goes out to this daddy, mama and family! I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel! This story is so Beautifully written. I would say unto you, "Make this story into a book and give God ALL the Glory" Y'all are and will continue to e in my prayers! May God continue to Bless You and give you strength!

  17. Oh Lynda, thank you for sharing your perspective and pain from the tragic day and loss of your dear Sophia. My heart aches for all that you and your family have endured. I've kept you in my prayers and held you close to my heart for sake of not being able to completely comprehend all you've endured. I know that words don't take away your pain, but I feel that when you suffer and weep, God suffers and weeps with you. I trust he is holding you in his hands knowing that this is not the end and you will be joined together again with Sophia one day. I have faith that her soul surrounds you by helping to hold you up both emotionally and physically. Continued prayers for peace and comfort for you and your family. May God's blessings be upon you. "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds" Psalm 147:3

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words. There is much weeping and suffering but we are trying to stand firm on God's blessings. Love you, Heather!
