Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Thank you from the Fisher Family

Over the last two months, our family has felt an array of feelings like none we have felt before in our lives. Broken. Despair. Hurt. Anguish. Grief.  This roller coaster ride of emotions we have experienced since the tragic loss of our daughter Sophia is new territory for us. We have embarked on an uncertain path of life we are unclear where it will lead.

However, in the midst of the pain, we also have experienced other emotions from our community, family, and friends to a degree like none other. Support. Friendship. Love. Caring. Sacrifice. Hope. The way in which our community banded together and wrapped their arms around us has been overwhelming. We are so very thankful for your unwavering love toward us and could never fully express how your outpouring of support has given us the encouragement to move forward each day.

After the birth of our three boys, we asked God for a precious daughter, and along came our sassy, redheaded Sophia. We know children are a gift from Him and ours to raise and direct in a manner pleasing to God. Although far from perfect, we have strived to direct all our children to their purpose and calling in life. None of us knows how long or short those lives will be, so we took and continue to take steps to make most every moment count.

We never could have imagined Sophia’s life would only last 18 years here on earth, and we were certainly not ready to say good-bye. Nevertheless, while there is nothing that could completely take our pain away, your support toward our entire family has helped ease the pain. We know beyond any doubt we have countless people around us who sincerely care about each one of us.

Thank you! Thank you for your cards, flowers, texts, gift cards, charity donations, food, gifts, prayers, visits and overall love toward us. We are privileged to live in a community that binds together in the midst of both joys and sorrows. You have walked with us and continue to shower us with support as we try to define our new normal. 

As we all move forward through this wave of grief, we believe it is important to live by Sophia’s mantra: Be Happy. Happiness is a choice, and we encourage you to continue to love others and be a compassionate community.

Thank you for walking with the entire Fisher family during these difficult days.

Richard, Lynda, Tobey James, Daniel and Matthew Fisher


  1. Lynda that is a wonderful letter you wrote! I’ve been thinking a lot about you and your entire family. Hugs and prayers.

    1. Thank you, Cindy! We appreciate your love and prayers.

  2. Thank you Lynda for sharing and entrusting us at the office with such a beautiful soul as Sophia's. Not a day passes that you and the family do not cross my mind. I am most thankful that you and Richard have an unwaivering faith that allows you take on the next day. You all are truly a testimony to the community and we love you dearly. Continued prayers.

    1. Melissa, Sophia loved you so much and loved being in the dentist's office. Thank you for loving on her and allowing her to be a part of the crew there. Your continued prayers are appreciated!

  3. I love you guys and continue to pray for you. I went to visit Sophia. She's definitely been in my spirit. I didn't know how to confront you with this Mr.Fisher. I wasn't sure when the right time would be or even if there would be one. I didn't know Sophia like alot of your other employees,but in death she's made a positive impact in my life. I've lost sleep thinking about Sophia many, many nights.Shes still a special child. I shared this with Sharmila about a month ago. Continue to trust God. He's the only way. You are a very loving and caring family, I'm not surprised that your family had an overpowering of support. Stay happy!

  4. Dear sweet Fisher family...although we haven't seen your family in the past few years, I remember how precious you all are. I remember when all your children were born and that sweet little redhead, Sophia. May God continue to ease your pain until you meet again...Debbie Donnie Render and RayAnn Robbins

  5. Mine is among the many hearts broken by the news. Cindy and I have offered many prayers for you. Can't imagine the hell you've been through, but please know we love you.

    1. Danny, I know you are true to your word and your prayers are sincere. Thank you, dear friend.

  6. Lynda,
    This is a beautiful letter that touched each of us very deeply. We love each of you! You and your family continue to be in our prayers everyday. Our son, Ty, was witnessed by Matthew at Camp Windshape. There is not a day that goes by we choose to find happiness in our lives since we learned from Sophia's motto #behappy!
    Michael, Ellen, and Ty Norman
